- You can download the OpenGrey MySQL file from the DANS EASY Archive.
The System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe used to give open access to 700.000 bibliographical references of grey literature (paper) produced in Europe and allowed to export records and locate the documents.
Examples of grey (gray) literature include technical or research reports, doctoral dissertations, some conference papers, some official publications, and other types of grey literature.
OpenGrey covered Science, Technology, Biomedical Science, Economics, Social Science and Humanities.
Subjects – SIGLE Classification
System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe
01 Aeronautics
- 010 Aeronautics, general
- 01A Aerodynamics
- 01B Aircraft operations, aircraft safety, aircraft accidents, air traffic control
- 01C Aircraft, aircraft components
- 01D Aircraft flight control, aircraft instrumentation
- 01E Airport operations
- 01F Parachutes, decelerators
02 Agriculture, plant and veterinary sciences
- 020 Agriculture, plant and veterinary sciences, general
- 02A Agricultural chemistry, fertilisers, animal feed, silage, pesticides, soil conditioners
- 02B Agricultural economics, agricultural markets
- 02C Agricultural engineering
- 02D Agronomy, crop production, crop diseases, horticulture
- 02E Animal husbandry, farm animals, pets
- 02F Forestry, agroforestry, sustainable forestry
- 02G Veterinary sciences, veterinary medicine
- 02H Aquaculture, fisheries, fishing
03 Environmental pollution, protection and control
- 030 Environmental pollution, protection and control, general
- 03A Air pollution, emissions, acid rain
- 03B Noise pollution
- 03C Water pollution, oil pollution, sewage treatment, water treatment
- 03D Land pollution, soil pollution
- 03E Radioactive pollution, nuclear waste
- 03F Solid waste pollution, waste disposal, landfills
- 03G Environmental health, environmental safety
- 03H Environmental law, environmental regulations
- 03I Waste recycling (non-nuclear), waste recovery
- 03J Nuclear waste reprocessing
05 Humanities, psychology and social sciences
- 050 Humanities, psychology and social sciences, general
- 05A Management, administration, business studies
- 05B Information science, librarianship
- 05C Ergonomics
- 05D Economics, economic theory
- 05E History
- 05F Archaeology
- 05G Anthropology, folklore, ethnology
- 05H Philosophy, theology, religion
- 05I Law, law enforcement, penal administration
- 05J Political science, public administration
- 05K Linguistics
- 05L Literature, mass media, performing arts
- 05M Sport, Recreation, tourism
- 05N Arts, crafts
- 05O Architecture
- 05P Education, training
- 05Q Psychology
- 05R Sociology, social studies, welfare studies, social services
- 05S Labour studies
- 05T Health services, health administration, community care services
- 05U Housing provision, property
- 05V Urban planning, rural planning, transport planning, countryside conservation
- 05W Demography, population studies
- 05X Internal and EU commerce, domestic marketing, consumer affairs
- 05Y International commerce, international marketing, international trade
- 05Z Banking, finance, taxation
06 Biological and medical sciences
- 060 Biological and medical sciences, general
- 06A Biochemistry
- 06B Bioengineering, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, biochemical engineering
- 06C Human anatomy, human histology
- 06D Bionics
- 06E Medicine
- 06F Ecology
- 06G Escape, rescue, survival
- 06H Food technology, food microbiology
- 06I Hygiene, sanitation
- 06J Industrial medicine, occupational health
- 06K Life-support systems
- 06L Medical equipment, hospital equipment, medical diagnostic equipment
- 06M Microbiology
- 06N Personnel selection, employee fitness
- 06O Pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry
- 06P Physiology
- 06Q Protective equipment, protective clothing
- 06R Radiobiology, radiation biology
- 06S Stress physiology, human, aerospace medicine
- 06T Toxicology, poisons
- 06U Wounds, Injuries, trauma medicine
- 06V Genetics, cytology, molecular biology
- 06W Botany
- 06X Zoology
- 06Y Biophysics
- 06Z Alternative medicine
07 Chemistry
- 070 Chemistry, general
- 07A Chemical engineering, industrial chemistry
- 07B Inorganic chemistry
- 07C Organic chemistry
- 07D Physical chemistry
- 07E Nuclear chemistry, radiochemistry
- 07F Analytical chemistry
08 Earth and atmospheric sciences
- 080 Earth and atmospheric sciences, general
- 08A Oceanography
- 08B Hydrology, limnology
- 08C Glaciology, snow, ice, permafrost
- 08D Geography
- 08E Geology, mineralogy, sedimentology
- 08F Seismology, earthquakes
- 08G Volcanology, plate tectonics
- 08H Earth, interior structure
- 08I Geochemistry
- 08J Geomagnetism, geodesy, cartography
- 08K Soil Science, pedology
- 08L Mining
- 08M Atmospheric sciences
- 08N Meteorology, climatology
- 08O Environment
- 08P Waste management
- 08Q Biosphere
09 Electronics and electrical engineering, computer science
- 090 Electronics and electrical engineering, computer science, general
- 09A Components
- 09B Circuits
- 09C Electronic devices, electromechanical devices
- 09D Optoelectronics
- 09E Power transmission, signal transmission
- 09F Electrometry, electronic test equipment
- 09G Computer hardware
- 09H Computer software, programming
- 09I Control systems, control theory
- 09J Information theory, coding theory, signal processing
- 09K Pattern recognition, image processing
- 09L Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
- 09M Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
- 09N Robotics
- 09O Applications of computer science, business data processing
- 09P Artificial Intelligence
10 Energy and power
- 100 Energy and power, general
- 10A Coal
- 10B Oil
- 10C Natural gas
- 10D Oil shales, coal shales, tar sands
- 10E Fission fuels
- 10F Fusion fuels
- 10G Isotope technology, radiation source technology
- 10H Hydrogen
- 10I Other synthetic and natural fuels
- 10J Hydro energy
- 10K Solar energy
- 10L Geothermal energy
- 10M Wave power, tidal power
- 10N Wind power
- 10O Nuclear power plants
- 10P Nuclear reactor technology
- 10Q Energy storage
- 10R Direct energy conversion, Fuel cells
- 10S Energy conservation, Energy consumption
- 10T Special purpose power plants
- 10U Biomass energy
- 10V Thermodynamic cycles
- 10W Conventional power plants
11 Materials
- 110 Materials, general
- 11A Adhesives, sealants
- 11B Ceramics, refractories, glasses
- 11C Coatings, paints, finishes
- 11D Composites
- 11E Fibres, textiles
- 11F Metallurgy, metallography
- 11G Miscellaneous materials
- 11H Oils, Lubricants, hydraulic fluids
- 11I Plastics
- 11J Elastomers
- 11K Solvents, cleaners, abrasives
- 11L Wood, paper
- 11M Material degradation, corrosion, fracture mechanics
12 Mathematical sciences
- 120 Mathematical sciences, general
- 12A Pure mathematics
- 12B Statistics, operations research
- 12C Applied mathematics
13 Mechanical, industrial, civil and marine engineering
- 130 Mechanical, industrial, civil and marine engineering, general
- 13A Air conditioning, heating, lighting, ventilation, refrigeration
- 13B Civil engineering
- 13C Construction equipment, building materials
- 13D Containers, Packaging
- 13E Couplings, fittings, fasteners, joints
- 13F Ground transport systems
- 13G Hydraulic systems, pneumatic systems
- 13H Industrial processes, manufacturing processes
- 13I Machinery, tools
- 13J Marine engineering, offshore engineering
- 13K Pumps, filters, pipes, tubing, valves, pressure vessels
- 13L Safety engineering
- 13M Structural engineering
- 13N Building technology
14 Methods and equipment
- 140 Methods and equipment, general
- 14A Cost effectiveness, cost-benefit analysis
- 14B Laboratories, test facilities, test equipment
- 14C Recording equipment
- 14D Equipment reliability, quality control
- 14E Reprographics, photographic processes
15 Military sciences
- 150 Military sciences, general
- 15A Antisubmarine warfare
- 15B Chemical warfare, biological warfare
- 15C Defence
- 15D Military intelligence
- 15E Military logistics
- 15F Nuclear warfare
- 15G Military operations, military strategy, military tactics
16 Missile technology
- 160 Missile technology, general
- 16A Missile launching, missile ground support
- 16B Missile trajectories
- 16C Missile warheads, missile fuses
- 16D Missiles
17 Navigation, communications, detection and countermeasures
- 170 Navigation, communications, detection and countermeasures, general
- 17A Acoustic detection, sonar
- 17B Communication systems, telecommunications
- 17C Direction finding
- 17D Electronic countermeasures, acoustic countermeasures
- 17E Infrared detection, ultraviolet detection
- 17F Magnetic detection
- 17G Navigation
- 17H Optical detection
- 17I Radar detection
- 17J Seismic detection
19 Ordnance
- 190 Ordnance, general
- 19A Pyrotechnics, explosives, ammunition
- 19B Bombs
- 19C Combat vehicles
- 19D Explosions, ballistics, armour
- 19E Fire control, bombing systems
- 19F Guns
- 19G Rockets
- 19H Underwater ordnance
20 Physics
- 200 Physics, general
- 20A Theoretical physics
- 20B Elementary particles, high energy physics
- 20C Nuclear physics, particle accelerators
- 20D Atomic physics, molecular physics
- 20E Optics, masers, lasers
- 20F Acoustics, vibrations, noise analysis
- 20G Thermodynamics
- 20H Metrology
- 20I Fluid mechanics
- 20J Plasma physics, gas discharges
- 20K Solid-state physics
- 20L Biophysics
- 20M Astrophysics
- 20N Astronomy, celestial mechanics
- 20O Astrophysics
- 20P Cosmic rays
- 20Q Astrogeology, planetary research
- Derila – Derila Kussen – Derila Pute – Derila Kudde – Derila Oreiller – Derila Pillow UK – Derila Tyyny – Derila Pude – Derila opiniões – Derila poduszka – Derila jastuk – Derila cuscino – Almohada Derila – Derila párna
- Klaudena – Klaudena Pude – Klaudena Seat Cushion – Klaudena sittdyna – Klaudena zitkussen – Klaudena Suomi – Poduszki do siedzenia Klaudena – Sedací polštář Klaudena – Klaudena Vélemény
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- Synoshi – Synoshi Scrubber – Synoshi Skrubbare – Synoshi Norge – Synoshi Danmark – Synoshi recenzje – Synoshi мнения – Synoshi Avis – Synoshi opiniones – Synoshi vélemény – Synoshi recenze – Synoshi Hrvatska
- Huusk Messer – Huusk Knife – Huusk Avis – Huusk kés – Huusk nóż – Huusk cuchillo – Huusk Slovenija – Huusk noževe
- Beat Buds X1
- UltraXtend WLAN Verstärker – UltraXtend WiFi Booster
- Emura Antihaft Pfanne – Emura Pan Ervaring – Emura Pan Review – Emura poêle avis – Emura panna – Emura Panne
- Zymme Kissen – Zymme tyyny
- Volt Kapseln – Volt capsules avis – Volt capsules review – Volt capsules – Volt kapsler – Volt Performance V Kapselit
- Theanex – Theanex Avis – Theanex Capsules – Theanex Nederland – Theanex Kapselit – Theanex Kapsler
- Purisaki Pflaster – Purisaki review – Purisaki Suomi – Purisaki avis – Purisaki Ervaringen – Purisaki anmeldelse – Purisaki omdöme
- Muama Ryoko WiFi – Muama Ryoko Ervaringen – Muama Ryoko WLAN – Muama Ryoko Omdöme
- Indravil Kapseln – Indravil capsules – Indravil Weight Loss Capsules – Indravil Avis
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- Libonex
- Muama Enence Translator Test – Muama Enence Translator Review – Muama Enence Slovensko – Muama Enence recenze – Muama Enence Danmark
- S-Extra Kapseln
- Fitex Kapseln
- Alviona Kapseln – Alviona Norge – Alviona kapsler – Alviona avis – Alviona ervaringen
- Hypnozio Erfahrungen – Hypnozio Review – Hypnozio recenze – Hypnozio Ervaringen – Hypnozio App Opiniones
- Himero Fruchtgummis
- Floravia – Floravia Nederland – Floravia Opinioni – Floravia capsulas – Floravia Avis
- Figurol Kapseln
- Lulutox Tee
- Vision 20/20
- Lean Caps – Lean Caps Sverige
- Wellamoon