Slimming Gummies UK and Ireland – Customer Reviews and where to buy

Many people have a common desire: they want to fight excess pounds as quickly, effectively and with little effort as possible. Accordingly, many products for losing weight can be found on the market, all of which promise prompt success.

This includes the all new LB Slimming Gummies: The special fruit gums are supposed to stimulate the metabolism and promote fat burning. The following test report provides information about the ingredients, the effect and all other relevant facts about the innovation on the diet product market..

Slimming Gummies reviews (UK and Ireland)

Review LB Slimming Gummies
package lb slimming gummies
  • 🇪🇺 Made in the EU
  • The possible positive effects for the user.
    • Less hunger
    • Faster metabolism and increased fat burning
    • Help with weight loss
  • Useful and natural ingredients that have been studied
  • Now available without a prescription over the counter
  • The test winner on many diet portals
  • Many positive Slimming Gummies reviews on the Forum
  • Now available directly from the manufacturer at a high discount
Possible risks
  • No known side effects
Contents 60 Gummies
Delivery Free shipping in the UK and Ireland available
Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9 / 5 stars - EXCELLENT
Delivery time 1-3 days



The team of developers of Slimming Gummies
The team of developers of Slimming Gummies


Slimming Gummies customer experience and review

Slimming Gummies, as the name suggests, are fruit gummies specifically designed for targeted weight loss. The gummies are sweet, taste like berries and can thus keep up with conventional sweets. However, they contain only four kilocalories per piece.

Unlike classic wine gums, there is no risk of gaining weight by eating them. According to the manufacturer, Slimming Gummies prevent sugar cravings: It is said that calorie intake can be significantly reduced, for example, by binge eating. However, this alone is not enough for Slimming Gummies to be included in the range of weight loss products and diet aids.

The secret of the gummy sweets lies in their ingredients: A combination of anti-fat compounds as well as various vitamins and minerals is supposed to stimulate fat burning and promote the metabolism. The manufacturer claims that the set weight loss goals can be achieved three times faster by consuming Slimming Gummies.

After regular use for a period of 30 days, visible and noticeable successes are already said to occur. Especially the unwanted belly fat is fought with the fat burners. Slimming Gummies were developed by doctors and scientists from the USA. For some time now, they have also been available in Germany and can be obtained from the supplier's website.

Slimming Gummies: legit check

  • Slimming Gummies are reputable, the weight loss product will be shipped by express shipping in the UK and Ireland after the order is placed (not a fake shop).
  • Scientifically tested ingredients.
  • Secure payment (SSL encryption) and discreet delivery.
  • With right of return.

Slimming Gummies - It works

Since Slimming Gummies are products for burning fat and stimulating the metabolism, they are primarily used for weight reduction. The target group is accordingly people of all genders who want to lose weight. Among them are people who only want to lose a few kilos as well as very overweight people. Slimming Gummies are said to be suitable for the treatment of obesity without any restrictions. The manufacturer even says that the therapy of the now widespread disease is to be revolutionised with the help of the gummy sweets.

The diet products are said to have hardly any side effects, as they contain natural ingredients and are mainly vitamin-based. Nevertheless, it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking the products in order to rule out undesirable side effects based on the individual's medical history.

Consultation with a doctor is also advisable if medication is being taken: Under certain circumstances, there may be interactions with the respective active substances. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should refrain from using the product. The product is not suitable for minors and may therefore only be consumed by persons who are 18 years or older.

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Weight Loss Gummies that work - Effect

Slimming Gummies contain only natural ingredients. These include several vitamins and minerals as well as anti-fat compounds, which are called metabolism boosters. Excess weight is often caused by a sluggish metabolism. If this is stimulated, energy is burnt more quickly and effectively.

As a result, less fat is stored in the body and the weight remains constant or can be reduced. Another desired effect of Slimming Gummies in this context is the improved fat burning. Even with an unchanged diet and calorie intake, the body should access its own fat reserves and burn them. If no excess fat can be built up, there will be no weight gain.

On the contrary: the more existing fat reserves are used up, the more significant the weight loss. According to the manufacturer's information, neither a change in diet is necessary nor does additional exercise have to be integrated into everyday life.

Because Slimming Gummies at clicks are enriched with many vitamins, regular consumption not only has an effect on the metabolism. The manufacturer also states that the combination of vitamin C and zinc in particular has a positive effect on the immune system. This compound has been used for a long time in cold medicines and food supplements, among other things, to strengthen the immune system or treat infectious diseases.

Since antioxidants such as vitamins A and E are also among the ingredients of Slimming Gummies, the gummy bears are also said to prevent cell ageing and once again have a positive effect on the body's own defences.

Slimming Gummies UK ingredients and their effects

Vitamins are naturally required by the human body to ensure proper functioning and maintain health. The various vitamins fulfil different tasks in the organism and contribute to cell renewal, hair and home health and the optimisation of metabolic processes.

Slimming Gummies contain a vitamin complex that has a positive effect on the immune system, but above all on the metabolism and fat burning.

Ingredients and composition

  • An ingredient in fruit gums for weight loss is vitamin A. This is a fat-soluble vitamin found in animal foods. The precursor to vitamin A, beta-carotene, is found in plant foods. Vitamin A is mainly absorbed through the small intestine and can be stored in the body. An adequate amount of vitamin A is essential for the visual process because it is contained in the retina. In addition, it helps to enable processes associated with reproduction. These include, for example, the formation of the male sex hormone testosterone or the development of the placenta. An adequate amount of vitamin A is also necessary for the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Since it also has a positive influence on skin elasticity, it is added to many skin care and anti-ageing products.
  • Vitamin D3 represents a speciality among the vitamins. While all other vitamins must be obtained from food, the human body can produce vitamin D itself to a certain extent. However, sunlight is required for this. Vitamin D3, also called cholecalciferol, is the most important compound of the vitamin D group. It is later used by the organism to produce the hormone calciferol; for this reason, vitamin D3 can also be called a hormone precursor. However, it is primarily involved in several metabolic processes, such as bone hardening, but also in muscle formation and the maintenance of muscle strength. In addition, vitamin D3 influences the function of the thyroid gland and the immune system.
  • Vitamin E is also a fat-soluble vitamin that is absolutely necessary for maintaining health. Strictly speaking, this is also not a single vitamin, but a whole group, which are also called tocopherols in technical language. The main task of these tocopherols is to bind free radicals. These are produced, for example, during the digestive process, but they also enter the organism through environmental influences and can damage the cells there. This leads to premature ageing of the skin and can promote the development of various diseases. Vitamin E binds these substances and is also able to dilate the blood vessels and improve cell communication with each other.
  • Vitamin K1 is again a fat-soluble vitamin that belongs to the group of K vitamins. It also bears the name phylloquinone, which refers to the plant-based variant of the vitamin. Accordingly, it occurs in plant foods. Vitamin K1 cannot be produced in the body itself. It is involved in several vital processes in the organism, but is primarily of decisive importance for blood clotting. Vitamin K1 accumulates in the liver and is responsible there for the production of blood clotting factors. It also prevents calcium deposits in the blood vessels. Proper cell division and numerous repair processes in the body also need vitamin K.
  • One of the best-known vitamins is certainly vitamin C. Also called ascorbic acid, this water-soluble vitamin is supplied through food and is mainly found in fruit and vegetables. In addition to its positive influence on the immune system and the treatment of viral diseases such as the common cold, an adequate vitamin C level also has a beneficial effect on the metabolism. Among other things, it is involved in the formation of bones, teeth and connective tissue. Similar to vitamin E, vitamin C can also bind free radicals and thus protect the cells from premature damage. Since it also inhibits the formation of cancer-causing substances, vitamin C is also relevant for cancer prevention.
  • Although Vitamin B6 sounds like just one substance, it is actually a collective term for several substances. These are found primarily in chicken, pork, legumes and cabbage. In terms of functions in the body, the focus is on metabolism. For example, vitamin B6 is significantly involved in the conversion of proteins, but also in fat metabolism. Vitamin B6 is therefore indispensable for a healthy and above all effective fat metabolism. It also increases the messenger substances in the nerves, which also contributes to improved function. Vitamin B6 is water-soluble and can be affected by direct sunlight.
  • Also relevant for the nervous system, but also for fat metabolism, is vitamin B12. Certain fatty acids can only be broken down if sufficient vitamin B12 is present in the body. The substance is indispensable for a well-functioning metabolism and the conversion of fat. And that’s not all: vitamin B12 is also responsible for blood formation and converts folic acid stored in the body into its active form. Since the organism cannot produce the substances known as vitamin B, which are also called cobalamins, itself, they are absorbed through food. They are mostly bound to proteins and are thus found in meat, eggs, fish and dairy products.
  • Slimming Gummies contain not only vitamins, but also other substances that have a positive effect on health and, of course, especially on weight loss. Biotin, for example, is a component of enzymes and is sometimes also called Vitamin H, although it is not a vitamin in the true sense. In addition to a positive effect on the health and resistance of skin and hair, biotin contributes to an improved energy metabolism. It is said to stimulate fat burning and promote weight loss. Biotin is also said to strengthen the immune system and nerve function. The substance is found in soybeans, oatmeal, eggs, nuts and dairy products, among other things.
  • Zinc is essential for the body. It is contained in many enzymes and proteins. Numerous processes in the organism need zinc or benefit from an adequate supply. For example, zinc is indispensable for wound healing, which is why many wound ointments contain this important substance. Cell growth is also stimulated by an adequate zinc level, as are various metabolic processes. Last but not least, zinc is used, often together with vitamin C, to strengthen the immune system and to treat colds.
  • Iodine is a trace element. Although the human body only needs very small amounts of these minerals; they are nevertheless indispensable for the organism. Iodine is primarily important for proper thyroid function. It is contained in the thyroid hormones and plays an important role in heat regulation, for example, but also in the growth and maturation of the brain. Iodine also has a positive influence on the nervous system and skin health. And the energy metabolism also benefits from sufficient iodine intake: Thus, the mineral can also have a beneficial effect when weight loss is the goal.


Buy Slimming Gummies (UK and Ireland)

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Use and intake

Slimming Gummies are intended for long-term use. First, metabolic processes in the body need to be stimulated, which take time to get going. According to the manufacturer, this takes a few weeks: After about thirty days, the first successes are supposed to appear.

How long the Slimming Gummies UK have to be used depends primarily on two factors:

  1. Firstly, it depends on how the client's body reacts to the supplement. Every organism is different, and while one customer responds quickly to the active ingredients, it takes much longer for another to achieve the desired results.
  2. On the other hand, it depends on how the customer's body reacts to the preparation.
    The duration of intake also depends on exactly how much weight is to be lost. If it is only a few kilos, it should be sufficient to take the Slimming Gummies for a comparatively short period of time. People suffering from obesity who want or need to lose a lot of weight should take the special gummy bears over a longer period of time until the desired weight loss has been achieved.

To meet the different needs of its customers, the manufacturer offers Weight Loss Gummies that work in different pack sizes. There are 60 gummy sweets in one pack. This quantity is enough for 30 days, because the recommended daily intake is two gummies. The amount mentioned should not be exceeded in order to exclude possible undesirable side effects.

The manufacturer initially addresses the suggested dosage amount to people who only want to lose a little weight or who want to try out the product first. In addition, two or three packages can be ordered on the manufacturer's website. These are sufficient for two or three months, respectively, and a correspondingly higher weight loss.

buy slimming gummies UK


On its website, the manufacturer sells the Slimming Gummies UK in different pack sizes.

  • A beginner’s pack containing 60 gummies costs €49.95. In addition, there are shipping costs of €4.95 within the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • Two packs of Slimming Gummies cost €79.95. Here, shipping is free for the buyer.
  • For those who want to purchase a larger quantity, the best-selling triple pack is available. The price for this offer is 109.95 €. If desired, an instalment payment of € 18.99 per month at 12.90 % debit interest rate is possible with this variant.


You can unfortunately not buy the Slimming Gummies on Amazon.


Unfortunately, Slimming Gummies are not available from pharmacies.

Slimming Gummies Before and After - Before and After Photos

On the official site you can see a large number of before and after pictures.

Slimming Gummies Before After

LB Slimming Gummies reviews, ratings and testimonials from customers (forum)

The manufacturer's online shop also features reviews from previous customers. The average rating is 4.7/5. Accordingly, most opinions are positive about how the Slimming Gummies work. Only the price of the fat burners is considered too high by some customers. They are the most recommended product at

Nevertheless, most users agree that the Weight Loss Gummies, when taken properly, both reduce the hunger for sweets and contribute to improved fat burning. Many customers report moderate to high weight loss with regular consumption of Slimming Gummies, depending on the length of time taken.

Slimming Gummies - where to buy?

The original LB Slimming Gummies are only available to buy from the official online store.

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Steve Smith

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